
Showing posts from July, 2008

Lets walk home...

She rose from her bed with a jolt, sweating,panting for breath..she turned on the bed lamp. 3:15am. She reaches for the water bottle placed next to the bed lamp, drinks it..sweating. It was a cold night. She gets down her bed and walks in the dim light of the room. Looks out of her window, the grey sky had many stars..but it was scary.. 'one day I'll be there..ZOOM!! I'll be a rocket scientist' she was searching for the moon, it hid behind the thick blankets of clouds..' lets walk home'..mayn it was the scariest nightmare..a big wave, big enough to drown her. It seemed like the night was trying to tell her something. But she had to get back to work next day so heads to her bed. Just as she turned off her bed lamp she heard a beep. It was a message on her mobile. She wanted to sleep but the night was strange. She reaches for her mobile. ..Sam drowned today evening. Doctors tried hard..but God had other plans, he needed him. We were handed the body an hour back. F...